Machine and classic coffee drinks.




We designed this experience for Men and women, with love and curiosity about coffee and its culture, its preparation and the benefit of this wonderful trade in different types of businesses. Regular consumers who want to share the knowledge and magic of the experiences and sensitivity that coffee offers. Owners and workers in the culinary area who wish to venture into specialty coffee.


The objective of this learning is to publicize the processes and the actors involved in the operational areas of coffee, each module will focus on covering each of the fields that involve the preparation of coffee through the espresso machine.

Specific goals.

The participant will learn about the different types of coffee, the sensitivity and its characteristics in the cup when making a good preparation in the espresso machine. In addition, at the end of the training, the person will be able to distinguish with their senses the main characteristics of the drink, they will be able to understand the difference between specialty coffees and consumer coffees, and they will apply it in their next exercises with coffee.


5 hours.

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