Showing all 5 results

  • Gesha Coffee

    Municipality: Anolaima, Cundinamarca. Altitude: 1,657 MSL Variety: Gesha Process: Washed (Organic) Profile: Smell of Jasmine and Roses, Notes of ...
    $60,000$75,000 Buy
  • Pink Bourbon Coffee

    Municipality: Santa María, Huila. Cultivation altitude: 1.650 MSL Variety: Pink Bourbon Process: Washed Orange blossom fragrance, honey flavor, notes ...
    $45,000$60,000 Buy
  • Special Edition Coffee

    Municipality: Oiba, Santander. Altitude: 1,550 MSL Variety: Pacamara, Java, Gesha.  Process: Washed. Profile: Spicy smell, anise. Medium acidity and ...
    $50,000$65,000 Buy
  • Gift Voucher

    $100,000$150,000 Buy
  • Only Lovers / Super Lovers

    $135,000$180,000 Buy

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